The album Escorregando by Choro Das 3 in MP3 format can be downloaded here. The Pop style is the prevailing one in the Escorregando album. On the BonnyDJ site you can find the full 282.0-megabyte ZIP archive with all the songs in FLAC and MP3 formats. The album containing 14 tracks was released to the public on Sep 21, 2012. Including all of these ones: Escorregando (Sliding), O Boêmio (The Bohemian), Assobiando (Whistling), Jurity (Jurity Bird), Flausina, Bordões Ao Luar (Guitars in the Moonlight), Entre Amigos (Among Friends), Terna Saudade (Tender Longing), Atlântico (Atlantic), Harmonia Selvagem (Wild Harmony), Atraente (Attractive), Língua De Preto (Black Talk), Bebê (Baby), Vem Cá, Branquinha! (Come Here, \.